The Summoning (my Evaluation!)

Poster and Magazine

Monday 11 January 2010

The editing

when we first saw all of our filming we didnt know where to begin. we had so much! we looked at our story board and decided what was chnaged and what stayed the same we put everything in order and started! we first started with the scene were Elizabeth was praying, we decided that that would be our opening scene, the scene was a bit slow so we decided it needed to be speeded up, so i made the duration faster for the scene i changed it a few times to make it perfect then i cut the part of when elizabeth opens her eyes as it took quite long to get there and made that bit slow down a to create a scarey affect as it is quite important, this i did seperatly as it would affect the rest of the scene if done together. the director dedicated a whole day and put most of the scenes in place with the help of the story board.

the camera women made a lot of suggestions of what would look better and added a few affects. i put some of the walking scenes together as it gave it a freaky scary affect, however there was one shot that the group did not like so i removed it :) you have to keep the group happy. but that wasnt a problem i just simply took it out :D .for the rain scene i added a ghost affect from the video effetcs this made the shot look more scary and i also speeded up the duration.

the director and the camera women put the music in to place so it fitted well with the teaser. we all added affects such as dip to black and or cross fade in to the trailer. i did too my self add these affects so that the teaser trailer looked smooth and not like it has been cut and jus been put together. we all came up with the words that are used it the trailer, the producer photoshoped the words to make them look more horror type text, and then placed them in to adobe premier to and cut them up a lot of times and moved them around so that it gave it the affect as if the text was shaking. this worked very well.

the producer and i (the editor) took pictures of 3 dices all placed in a way which u can see the their six dots. we placed them together and took quite a lot of pictures for our logo. after i took some pictures and the producer took some, and found the best picture, the producer then edited it in photoshop and brought her ideas and showed us we decided the best one and edited it a bit more by deciding the colour of the text that should be used and the font. after this was done we then moved it to adobe premier where then we could add it to our teaser, which we did and it fitted well and perfectly.

we decided to change the colour of our title it was yellow before and we thought that everything in our trailer is either black, white or red. therefore we should make the title one of those colours we then played around with the colour a while and added a few affects, i played around with the lighting a little. we changed the colour to white and thought it suited better. we were thinking of changing the text of the title but the director correctly pointed out that horror film titles are usually quite simple so we decided it will be kept.

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