The Summoning (my Evaluation!)

Poster and Magazine

Monday 11 January 2010

choosing the name of our film

we had a difficult time trying to come up with a name for our film. we were thinking of calling it Elizabeth at first this is because that is the main characters name in the film. also becuase some horror films use the names of their main characters for the title of their films. for example :

1) The Excorcist Of Emily Rose
2) Gothika

however, i suggested that we should look at the bible and come up with some biblical type words as our film has a lot of religion in it and it would fit perfectly if we came up with something religous. we did quite a lot of research on this. we all thought of many words and the producer came up with summoned, we all really liked that but then we changed it to The Summoning which was perfect! we were very happy with the name we all agreed to it!

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