The Summoning (my Evaluation!)

Poster and Magazine

Saturday 16 January 2010

thinking of the poster....

although we split up the poster and the front cover of the magazine cover between our selves, we still helped each other out by having an input in what we feel is right and what does not look right.

me and my partner were assigned the poster, i was very glad i was doing the poster because i like to edit pictures and i like to create posters and things like that.

firstly, i drew a few designs of how the poster could look like so that it gives us a rough idea of where to start and how it will look. we also looked at other posters for inspirations.

Friday 15 January 2010

The link to our teaser trailer

the channel that i have created on youtube, is called 666productionz as they productions with an s was not available so i put a z instead the URL to the channel is:
plz do check it out....

the title has been changed to find our trailer easily just follow this link:
youtube :-

i also uploaded it on to another website called vimeo as it was recommended:-

check it out n do comment if u want =]

Thursday 14 January 2010


i have just created a youtube account called 666 Productionz i had to write productions with a z becuase all the rest were taken sadly but this will work just fine. i uploaded our teaser trailer which you can find under the title of The Summoning Media A2 level teaser. however the video uploaded perfectly fine and quickly but youtube has to process the video before it is properly uploaded and that takes forever! other people have said that they have had to wait for about 2 hours for their videos to be processed! it took 1 hour to process it! but patience is everything! i have suggested on the page that people leave their comments as it will be useful so now we can just wait. i am quite excited about what people will say. my page for 666 productionz i have tried to use the main colours as my theme as it is used through out our trailer.

Monday 11 January 2010

Teaser trailer finished

our teaser trailer is now finished :D we thats what we think. now we just have to wait for feed back from our audience and if any changes need to be made then we will need to consider them and make them if we have to. i have come up with an idea of uploading our teaser trailer on to and letting people watch it and comment on it. also e-mailing it to families and friends and letting them give good feedback on it. this is all to help us to improve... if we need to :D

The editing

when we first saw all of our filming we didnt know where to begin. we had so much! we looked at our story board and decided what was chnaged and what stayed the same we put everything in order and started! we first started with the scene were Elizabeth was praying, we decided that that would be our opening scene, the scene was a bit slow so we decided it needed to be speeded up, so i made the duration faster for the scene i changed it a few times to make it perfect then i cut the part of when elizabeth opens her eyes as it took quite long to get there and made that bit slow down a to create a scarey affect as it is quite important, this i did seperatly as it would affect the rest of the scene if done together. the director dedicated a whole day and put most of the scenes in place with the help of the story board.

the camera women made a lot of suggestions of what would look better and added a few affects. i put some of the walking scenes together as it gave it a freaky scary affect, however there was one shot that the group did not like so i removed it :) you have to keep the group happy. but that wasnt a problem i just simply took it out :D .for the rain scene i added a ghost affect from the video effetcs this made the shot look more scary and i also speeded up the duration.

the director and the camera women put the music in to place so it fitted well with the teaser. we all added affects such as dip to black and or cross fade in to the trailer. i did too my self add these affects so that the teaser trailer looked smooth and not like it has been cut and jus been put together. we all came up with the words that are used it the trailer, the producer photoshoped the words to make them look more horror type text, and then placed them in to adobe premier to and cut them up a lot of times and moved them around so that it gave it the affect as if the text was shaking. this worked very well.

the producer and i (the editor) took pictures of 3 dices all placed in a way which u can see the their six dots. we placed them together and took quite a lot of pictures for our logo. after i took some pictures and the producer took some, and found the best picture, the producer then edited it in photoshop and brought her ideas and showed us we decided the best one and edited it a bit more by deciding the colour of the text that should be used and the font. after this was done we then moved it to adobe premier where then we could add it to our teaser, which we did and it fitted well and perfectly.

we decided to change the colour of our title it was yellow before and we thought that everything in our trailer is either black, white or red. therefore we should make the title one of those colours we then played around with the colour a while and added a few affects, i played around with the lighting a little. we changed the colour to white and thought it suited better. we were thinking of changing the text of the title but the director correctly pointed out that horror film titles are usually quite simple so we decided it will be kept.

Music for our Teaser trailer

we wanted the music to be scary and include orchestra, this creates a very scary affect.. we searched on youtube and other sites, and the camera women and the director found the perfect track to which we all agreed on, it is called 'Summon the Demons' even the title links with our teaser! this was found on youtube and we needed the track. so i was able to get the track downloaded from youtube and then we were able to listen to it with the trailer and it sounded perfect. :)

choosing the name of our film

we had a difficult time trying to come up with a name for our film. we were thinking of calling it Elizabeth at first this is because that is the main characters name in the film. also becuase some horror films use the names of their main characters for the title of their films. for example :

1) The Excorcist Of Emily Rose
2) Gothika

however, i suggested that we should look at the bible and come up with some biblical type words as our film has a lot of religion in it and it would fit perfectly if we came up with something religous. we did quite a lot of research on this. we all thought of many words and the producer came up with summoned, we all really liked that but then we changed it to The Summoning which was perfect! we were very happy with the name we all agreed to it!

Filming 5th December

this was the last time we were going to film. we gave up our saturday morning and got up very early for a saturday to film the last shot! the first shot of the day was at the graveyard, our actress the producer filmed the shot of the graveyard, we chose to do this of a tomb stone that looked quite old and had a big cross. this brings out the religion again to our film. after this shot was filmed we then went to our sencond location the directors house.
here we filmed the rain scene, we used a hose pipe to create the affect of rain however we messed around with the pipe to find the best way to make the water look like rain droplets and we did. the producer our actress then had to stand in the middle of the garden and scream very loud while water was being poured on her. we done a few of these shots, the producer suggested that i do some close ups if the scene while filming and i did and this turned out to be quite a good effect.
we also filmed pigeons flying away, this was random at the time but when we played it back to see how it looked at teh scene we thought we can use this and decided to do some more takes. this was turning out to be a good day. we all participated on this filming day and had a good time and were happy as it was over :)

filming 3rd December

before we went to our location, the producer and i had to find a picture that would best suit the mother of Elizabeth, once we found the picture we then added some touches to it, by using photoshop and making it look antique. we then printed it a few times, once in black n white and then the other times n colour but different sizes. this is so that when we put it in the frame the one that looks and fits the best can be used. we then rushed to our location as we had very little time to prepare the mis en scene and then record the scene. we wanted to give this scene a very modern touch, we wanted the camera to go around the character and zoom in to her face then her eyes. we were not very sure how we were going to do this becuase we did not have special equipment. however, our producer's dad owns a Dolly and she was able to bring it and let us use it. the producer showed and explained to us how to use the dolly in the best way. so we placed the camera and the stand on the dolly while i moved the dolly the director filmed the shot and the camera women gave the orders to tell the character when to look up. the shot was very interesting. we done the shot a few times so that we could get it as perfect as we could. it was rather fun filming this shot i really enjoyed it. we were very careful not to burn our selves while we all prepared the scene, we used candles becuase it gives a religous theme which is what we wanted. =D